
Caught being Kind

Thank you for your random act of kindness! We definitely need more people like you💕 With everything that has been crazy in the world the past two years, this was an idea I had one day to reinforce the good I noticed in my day to day activities. The news was depressing, and I want to focus on people who are remembering to just be a good human still!😆 Please select your gift & feel free to use your gift card on my website 🎁 My number is (323)310-1239 if you need to reach out to me.

A little bit about me & what I do...

As a certified Makeup Artist & Skin Care Consultant, I am a small business owner here in our community. I offer skin consults and makeup tutorials via zoom and at my studio, as well as other related services. If you happen to be interested in any of the following, please let me know. (Your gift is not contingent on any interest, just sharing in case it's helpful for you💕)

I hope this starts a chain of paying it forward 💕 Have an incredible day & talk to you soon! xoxo, Bry